Stay Healthy, Stay Secure : Work From Home Cybersecurity Tips

Stay Healthy, Stay Secure : Work From Home Cybersecurity Tips

Depending where in the world you live, you are either already working remote, getting ready to start a two-week period of working remote or contemplating the idea. These measures are implemented to avoid the spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic known as coronavirus. For some of you, working remote is just another option, for others this might be a completely new environment you are forced to follow.

While staying healthy is everyone’s priority, cyber safety should be in consideration for every remote employee. Working at home means lower security measures and a higher chance of cybercrime.

Whether you are using the company’s laptop or your own, here are five recommendations for safe remote working while we ride the coronavirus outbreak.

1. Virtual Private Network (VPN): Chances are you are working remote by connecting to your home WiFi. While your internet is probably password-protected, having a VPN adds another layer of security. If you don’t have one, ask your IT department before you do any work that involves sensitive company data.

2. Multi-factor authentication (MFA): implement multi-factor authentication as an added security layer. An example of multi-factor is having a code sent to your smartphone when you are trying to log in to a portal. Which means if your credentials are compromised, they still won’t access that portal without that second security measure.

3. Phishing attempts: Expect more phishing attempts during this work remote period. Be diligent, watch for urgent subject lines, grammar mistakes, funny looking email addresses and report to your IT department. Use video conferencing when possible to avoid chat spoofing attacks. Always speak up when something doesn’t feel right.

4. Data storage: Try limiting the data on your local hard drive. Use a cloud or remote server when possible. It’s easier to hack data storage locally than in a cloud. By saving your date on a remote server, you are adding an extra “wall” for cybercriminals to hack.

5. Children’s online safety: If you are a parent, there is a high chance you are working remote while having to take care of your kiddos. Screen time will be one of the many ways you occupy their time so that you can get some work done. Keep in mind, they are using the same network you are. If they are not being safe, their actions could impact your company’s security.

a. Make sure to set-up parental controls so they don’t have the authority to download any app.

b. Teach them to not share any personal information if they are playing a game that involves in-game chatting

c. Show them how to create strong passwords if a log in is needed

d. Teach them to be diligent of unfamiliar activity so they can report to you immediately

We hope these suggestions make your remote working experience easier to navigate and most importantly, more secure. Always ask your IT department for advice and recommendations and don’t hesitate to let them know of suspicious activity.

Source : Center for Cyber Safety and Education